1: Icarus Child Trilogy

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Once there was an island,
And on that island a legend was born…

Here is where the Tales of the Aekhartain really begin. On an island with a tower, with a man who dreams of flying and the sisters he leaves behind. Of the daughters that follow and a love that falls from the sky. Of the son torn between the island and the stars, and the power that both created and loved him.

And then there is the island, which keeps what it takes and longs for freedom.

The Icarus Child Trilogy is set in Iron Age Britain and stretches from 163-126 BC, mixing a touch of history with a hint of fantasy. It is a tale of family and dreams and love and friendship, with selkies and ghosts and goats along the way.

The trilogy was written to be read in order, although the third book can be read alone if you don’t want to start at the beginning. You probably should, though, since it’s available free from selected retailers right now.


Cover_1 Sisters of Icarus
Once there was an island, and on that island there lived a boy, but before that boy there was another child. And before that child there were three sisters.

Those sisters had a brother.
His name was Icarus.

Britain 163 BC

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For more information and to read the opening chapter, head to the Sisters of Icarus page.


Cover_2 Crying Child

Once there was an island, and on that island there lived three cousins…

Britain 142 BC

 The Sisters of Icarus may all be gone, but the next generation remains. Bitter, half-selkie and broken, the three women are different in many ways, yet one thing connects them: the island and its quest for a new Icarus.

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For more information and to read the opening chapter, head to The Crying Child page.


Cover_3 Icarus Child

Once there was an island, and on that island there lived a boy…

Britain 135 BC

Orphaned at birth and raised by his aunt on an isolated island, Icastar has led a far from normal life. The island and his own body might try to hold him down, caging him inside a world of pain, but he is the Icarus Child.

One day he will fly – or die trying.

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For more information and to read the opening chapter, head to The Icarus Child page.